Congratulations on the establishment of the Muhammadiyah Campuss in Victoria Australia

Launching The Implementation of Distance Learning

UMT’s commitment to going to a World-Class University is always pursued, one of which is by collaborating with SEAMOLEC in the implementation of Distance Learning (PJJ) such as providing LMS learning applications as support.

Today UMT is led by Dr. H. Ahmad Amarullah, M.Pd (Rector), Dr. H. Desri Arwen, M.Pd (Vice-Rector 1), Dr. Enawar, S.Pd, MM (Vice-Rector 3) accompanied by Prof. Dr. H. Aris Gumilar, MM (Head of BPM UMT) and the team from LPPM and the Faculty of Islamic Religion were present in the SEAMOLEC Hall for the Launching Event for Mentoring PJJ LMS for UMT students in Taiwan.

The LMS PJJ launching was inaugurated by the Chancellor and Director of SEAMOLEC, Dr. Alpha Amirrachman, M.Phil., Ph.D. is the first step of UMT’s commitment to a World-Class University and part of our concern for PMIs who can get higher education and have provisions after returning to Indonesia.

December 28, 2021

Dr. H. Ahmad Amarullah, M.Pd

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