SUKABUMI – University of Muhammadiyah Tanggerang (UMT) Boarding School conducted Ground Breaking, at Wisma Galuh Kampung Bojong Larang RT/RW 6/4 Pondokkaso Landeuh Village, Parungkuda District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Wednesday (26/1).
The event for the establishment of Islamic boarding schools and training centers as well as the development of Islamic human resources was attended by national figures, namely the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahudin Uno, B.BA., M.BA, Secretary-General of PP Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Abdul Mu’ti, M. Ed., the Regent of Sukabumi represented by the Head of Parung Kuda Sub-district Drs. Deden Sumpena and President Director of Bank BK Bukopin Syariah Hari Hurianto and 250 other people. UMT Chancellor, Dr. H. Ahmad Amarullah, M. Pd. in his speech, he thanked all staff involved in the Ground Breaking UMT Boarding School event in Sukabumi.
According to Amarullah, UMT Boarding School (UBS) was established to produce a strong generation as an answer to Allah SWT’s signal in QS. Annisa paragraph 9. The chosen form of education is the non-formal pathway, packages A, B and C.
Furthermore, the man who is familiarly called Bang Uwoh said that his students will be provided with a curriculum that is integrated into the 16 creative industry sub-sectors initiated by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno.
“So that later they will become a superior generation, independent and with good morals who are ready to build themselves and their nation,” said Bang Uwoh.
On the same occasion, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, conveyed the establishment of the UMT Boarding School as a form of innovation to contribute significantly to UMT in the future sustainability of the nation’s young generation.
“Therefore, we greatly appreciate and highly appreciate the Chancellor of UMT for the launch of this UMT Boarding School,” said Sandi Uno via virtual.
Pembangunan UMT Boarding School dan Pengembangan Insani yang berada di kawasan Eco Park UMT dengan luas tanah 3,8 hektar ini, lebih lanjut Sandi Uno katakan, diharapkan menghasilkan lulusan yang diantaranya memiliki kompetensi kulinery dan pashion sebagai bagian dari subsektor industri kreatif lainnya.
”Sisi pembelajaran alam terbuka sekarang menjadi daya tarik, akhirnya dalam upaya pembangunan kami ingin mengajak kolaborasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang,” ujarnya.
” Kami tugaskan Pak Faisal untuk membangun komunikasi yang sinergis dengan teman-teman UMT agar kita mampu mencetak SDM yang unggul,” ungkapnya.(*)
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